If you are also facing trouble with hard water the here in this page you will find some good choices for a water softener. Dissolved
calcium and magnesium precipitate out of hard water as scale, which builds up
on the insides of pipes, water heaters, tea kettles, coffee makers and
industrial machinery. Scale reduces flow through pipes and is a poor conductor
of heat. Eventually, pipes can become completely clogged.
water reduces soap's ability to lather, whether in the shower, sink, dishwasher
or washing machine, and reacts with soap to form a sticky scum.
can combat hard water in various ways, including filtering it by distillation
or reverse osmosis, adding a packaged chemical softener such as powdered borax
or washing soda (sodium carbonate), or running it through a water softener.
in sink taps and refrigerator water dispensers improves water's taste, but its
steep price tag makes it impractical as a household solution. Packaged
chemicals soften water in small batches, such as washing machine loads, but
render the water undrinkable, take a toll on clothes, and, in some cases,
contain phosphates that harm the environment.
offers an alternative to water softening. Whereas a water softener removes the
problem (minerals in the water), a descaler addresses the damage caused by the
problem (scale buildup). You will sometimes see ads for "salt-free water
softeners," which are actually descalers, or for magnetic water softeners,
which remain unproven and don't change the chemical composition of water, so
buyer beware.
all this in mind, it's clear why water softeners are so popular: They remain
the least costly and most effective way to rid your water of troublesomeminerals.
the next section, we'll take a peek inside a water softener and find out why
plastics beads aren't just for Mardi Gras.